Provide liquidity

Pools on Saber facilitate liquidity provision and token trading, enabling users to earn trading fees on the tokens they hold.


  1. Visit the Saber dApp and connect your wallet.

  2. Choose the pool you would like to provide liquidity for.

  1. Enter the amount of tokens you would like to supply as liquidity.

  1. Click on 'Deposit' and confirm the TX in your wallet.

  1. Your tokens are now successfully added as LP tokens.

Your tokens are successfully deposited and you are earning trading fees on the supplied pair.


  1. Navigate to the 'Withdraw' section.

  1. Enter the amount of tokens you would like to withdraw and click the 'Withdraw' button.

  1. Confirm the transaction in your wallet.

If you want to stake your LP tokens to earn additional yield besides trading fees, learn here how to stake them.

Last updated